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Have you ever felt sad, very sad over something that you don't even know about? You even struggle with yourself, think as hard as you can, but you don't know what do you think? Then you get angry, then cry loudly until the tiredness is present. Your body sags limp. Somehow tired of what?
Is the human brain really designed like that? Yeah, it is true that we are human beings who have the ability to think so that we can produce something very powerful for civilization. That's the concept of thinking on a large scale. Thinking on a small scale arguably far from civilization is also allowed. The important thing is to think. But heii instead of creating something big starting from a small step first?
When do you think? If I may answer when your curiosity about an object appears. Next comes the branded feeling of causality in mind. Why? How? then you look for the answer until your curiosity is answered and you are satisfied. But, what about the situation earlier? What happened? I am saddened for something that somehow makes me sad. And I think of something that I can't even find what I am curious about. What should I do? There is a blankness that surrounds me right now.
Islam, the religion I professed to write in such a vacuum, we must remember God in the form of dhikr. I'm very sure God is also reading my blog.
 My dear God. I know you listen to me, you know what I feel. The more I involve you in very abstract feelings and how mysterious all of this is, I can only conclude one thing and that I find in my own conscience. Mortal. Lost. I am not me. I heard noise in silence. There is a lot of noise. There is a crowd in solitude. Yah, neurons with each other also connect something that is still difficult to define in the form of words. An atmosphere like this, there is inspiration as well as a dead end coming together.
Note* Sengaja pake bahasa Inggris biar...? (biar apa ya?)


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